January 31, 2008

How Many Colors Can You Name In 5 Minutes?

There's nothing better to kill some time at work than taking weird quizzes online. You know I like to share them with you when I find them, so here's another one to distract you.

The newest quiz is "How many colors can you name in five minute?" and it's a doozy! I sat around with my roommates and friends last weekend and tried it and with 5 of us we still couldn't get that many. It's a lot harder than you'd think! Take the quiz and let me know how you do!


Do you know of any other quizzes I should share?

Related Things:

January 30, 2008

Maura Is 8 Months Old

Happy Hump Day everyone! Quick post today with a photo update from baby Maura (you missed her, didn't you?) I haven't received a new photo spread of her since her kidnapping Santa photo, so I was very happy to get a new pic in my inbox earlier in the week.

Maura recently turned 8 months old and here is sporting and older, dignified look.

I'm always cuted out by Maura, but listen... your baby toupee is looking a little crooked. Might wanna get that checked out.

Related Things:

January 29, 2008

The Colors of the Empire State Building

There are several different reasons why I write in my blog. Sometimes it's because I want to share information about my life or a fun article or quiz I found online, sometimes it's to share my opinion on a current topic like a TV show or album, and sometimes it's simply because I was curious about something and figure you might want to know about it, too. This entry is that final type.

From the living room window of my new apartment (I'll post pictures soon, I promise!) I have an amazing view of the Empire State Building. The 3 tiers at the top of the building always seem to change colors on a semi-irregular basis but I never knew what the colors meant... so I looked it up!

At first I thought the lights might be used to give the weather forecast or something similar because the Gulf Tower in downton Pittsburgh, PA (my hometown) changes it's pinnacle for that reason, but I was wrong! The lights are specifically for decoration and change color to reflect upcoming holidays or celebrations. The colors were recently red, blue and white in honor of the New York Giants latest victory.

I'll save you the entire history lesson, but here are a view interesting bits of info that I found from the official ESB website:

1932: The first light to shine atop the Empire State Building (November, 1932) was a searchlight beacon which told people for 50 miles that Franklin D. Roosevelt has been elected president of the United States.

1956: Revolving beacons, the "Freedom Lights", were installed. The "Freedom Lights", four beacons each five feet in diameter and weighing one ton, were installed 1,095 feet above the streets to symbolize not only a welcome to this country but also the unlimited opportunities in America and the hopes and prayers of the American people for peace.

1976: Colored lighting was first introduced by Douglas Leigh. The tower was lit in red, white and blue in celebration of the American Bicentennial.

1977: A lighting system, permitting a wider range of colors, was inaugurated on October 12, when blue and white lights flashed to announce that the Yankees had won the World Series.

Very interesting, indeed. Now I know what I'm staring at out the window each night. You can click here for the most recent lighting schedule.

I really enjoy architecture, but tend to ignore most of it in the city for fear of looking like a bewildered tourist staring up at "all them tall buildin's." I'm fairly particular to the Rockefeller Center area for obvious reasons, but there are tons of amazing places to gawk at in the city.

What's your favorite spot in New York City or your home town?

Related Things:

January 28, 2008

Heartache Leave

Found this story on Yahoo! News this morning and felt the need to share. At most jobs employers offer several types of "days off" depending on the company and the need to miss a day of work. There are sick days, personal days, vacation days... maternity leave, etc. One company in Japan is giving its female workers "heartache leave" so they can stay home and "cry it out" after a bad breakup or end of a relationship. Here's a snippet from the article:
Tokyo-based Hime & Company, which also gives staff paid time off to hit the shops during sales season, says heartache leave allows staff to cry themselves out and return to work refreshed. "Not everyone needs to take maternity leave but with heartbreak, everyone needs time off, just like when you get sick."
Apparently the workers' age is a factor in how many days they get to stay home and cry themselves to sleep...
Staff aged 24 years or younger can take one day off per year, while those between 25 and 29 can take two days off and those older can take three days off, the company said. "Women in their 20s can find their next love quickly, but it's tougher for women in their 30s, and their break-ups tend to be more serious."
Those poor, old, loveless ladies... You can have an extra day to stay at home with your cats. The good news is that "heartache leave" isn't the only bonus type of leave the employees have! They also can take a day to go shopping without fear of ridicule or termination.
"Before, women could take half-days off to go to sales, but you'd have to hide your shopping bags in lockers by the train station," Hiradate said. "But with paid leave, we don't have to feel guilty about bringing our shopping bags to work, and we can enjoy the best part about sales shopping -- talking about our purchases afterwards."
Now... I'm sure these bonus days are a very nice perk for the employees of this company, but can I just ask a dumb question? Isn't that what personal days are for??? I know that I would much rather take a "personal day" than let my entire office know that I'm sitting at home eating a gallon of Häagen-Dazs. Maybe that's just me.

January 25, 2008

Daily Blabber TV with Emily Stone

Happy Friday, everyone! Going a different direction with my Friday video post. iVillage.com has a gossip blog called The Daily Blabber, and at the end of each day they recap the day's gossip with a fun and funny twist. Please enjoy!

Daily Blabber TV with Emily Stone

What do you think of the video? Please leave a comment below!

Related things:

January 24, 2008

Best Buy has no soul

Granted, I already knew that Best Buy had no soul after they sent my Dad and I on the epic cell phone refund adventure of 2000 (remember that, Dad? We boycotted them for a year) but now they have really gone and proven it.

While it was inevitable that someone would eventually capitalize on the tragic death of actor Heath Ledger, I didn't it would come so quickly in such an obvious way. This pic comes via my friend Caitlin via the Best Week Ever blog. It's pretty gross.


January 23, 2008

Carolyn Clark is amazing

Just a quick personal post in the middle of the day. My wonderfully talented roommate (and vlog partner) Carolyn was just featured by her alma mater Appalachian State University about her achievements in New York City.

The article showcases Carolyn's success in the entertainment and news industry and how she is quickly on her way to the top. Click here for the complete article and some pretty nice photos as well.

Congrats, Carol! Way to dini it up!

Related Things:

January 22, 2008

Real Housewives of Orange County Finale

The Real Housewives of Orange County is probably one of my favorite shows on TV, without me realizing it until the finale rolls around. I'm clearly a big fan of the Bravo shows, and I've been following the Housewives since the very first season. I actually had the chance to meet Lauri, Vicki, Jeana, Tammy and Jo before and they were all so much fun and pretty much exactly like you see on the show.

It's hard to believe that the season is over already, and while I normally don't recap TV shows as I watch them, I feel like I should do so tonight. Enjoy.

Lauri had a long heart-to-heart therapy session with her druggie son, Josh. They tried to work out their differences and gain an understanding on why Josh acts out and why his mom puts up with it. Josh said, "The things that make me happy [drugs] are what makes her [Lauri] unhappy." Very mushy, but it was a truly real, emotional moment. The housewives are definitely more real than any other season in the past.

More importantly, Lauri was preparing for her wedding to soul mate, George. They had been hyping the wedding all season, so I was excited to see how it was going to turn out. The majority of the show was spent showing Lauri get her hair and makeup ready, and pulling out her massively huge gown (which was designed by Austin Scarlett from Project Runway.)

There was a quick appearance by the sexually charged Christian, Quinn, and her "boyfriend" Billy. They basically talked about how they want to be together but they both want two different things... so then they broke up. If you ask me, Quinn was a very odd addition to the cast this season.

Back to the wedding... It was fairly ridiculous looking in its extravagance. What else would you expect from the OC? The garden setting was completely done up with flowers and crystals and everything that you would expect with a "fairytale" wedding (they said fairytale about 100 times.) Lauri and George exchanged their cute vows and a shower of rose petals proceeded to fall around them. I gagged a little, but it was cute.

The reception was even more over-the-top than the ceremony. I guess that's what happens when you have millions of dollars to spend on the biggest day of your life. Lauri's daughter and maid of honor, Ashley, made a really nice speech, too. Nice to see some genuine emotion and happiness out of what started out looking like a bunch of emotionless plastic people. I really like this show!

A few days after the wedding Jeana had a little cocktail party to bring all of the Housewives together; including ex-housewife Jo! Apparently Jo's music career has "taken off" with a tour and dancers to boot. Now, I'm not going to be too skeptical... but I haven't heard anything about her except on the show. Some of the other people had some not-so-nice things to say about her but I guess that's to be expected. Good luck, Jo.

If you didn't have a chance to see the show, here's a clip of the BBQ and the drunken housewives:

Next week the ladies will sit down with Bravo SVP Andy Cohen for a reunion special to keep us abreast (pun intended) on what they've been up to since season 3 wrapped. Make sure you tune in!

Related Things:

I could take 23 five-year-olds in a fight

Ever wonder if you would survive an attack of rabid Kindergarteners? Well, now you can calculate your abilities to fend off a mob of children! My friend Rob showed me this website called Howmanyfiveyearoldscouldyoutakeinafight.com (take a breath) and I couldn't resist sharing my results with you.

I am a powerhouse and could basically take an entire classroom full of kids. Maybe I missed my calling and should go back to school for education... or ASS KICKING! Ya, probably not. Once you finish the test you can check out other ridiculous quizzes to see if you can survive zombie attacks, or see how many colors you can name in five minutes (it's really hard!)

Let me know your results!

Related Things:

January 21, 2008

Black20 News with Jessie Cantrell

Hello, readers!

I have spent the whole long weekend moving to a new apartment... therefore I barely have any braincells left. For today's MLK Day post, please enjoy a special, bonus edition of Black20 News with Jessie Cantrell.

Pix of the new apartment coming soon!

Related things:

January 18, 2008

Black20 News with Jessie Cantrell

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope you made it through the week all right! I barely did. To celebrate, please enjoy some Black20 News with Jessie Cantrell.

Jessie got bangs!

This week she shares info on a husband and wife that found out they were twins (gross,) cool ways to tie your shoes and big cat attacks! Rarrrrr! Enjoy:

Have a great weekend!

Related things:

January 16, 2008

Timbaland Presents Shock Value

If you do not have Timbaland's latest album Timbaland Presents Shock Value then you should probably stop what you're doing and go out and get it. Unless you're driving or performing heart surgery or something... you should probably finish that up first. It's not too often that I pump up a particular music artist or CD, but this is definitely one that you should own.

Pretty much everything that Timbaland produces turns to gold, so it was about time he released something of his own. Granted, the album is chock full of collabos, but that doesn't take away from Tim's genius producing style. Timbaland has produced some of the hottest records in the last few years (think Justin Timberlake's FutureSex/LoveSound and Nelly Furtado's Loose) and he just goes one step further with his own album.

The disc was originally released in April of 2007 and has produced 5 singles so far. Each of them in uniquely different, but maintains Tim's signature sound. Just for fun, here's all the videos from Timbaland Presents Shock Value. Enjoy!

Click here for the videos

Give It To Me f. Justin Timberlake & Nelly Furtado

The Way I Are f. Keri Hilson & D.O.E.

Throw It On Me f. The Hives

Apologize f. One Republic

Scream f. Keri Hilson & Nicole Scherzinger

Do you have this album? What do you think?

Related Things:

January 15, 2008

What Ever Happened to Ally Hilfiger?

Do you remember the show Rich Girls on MTV? It aired in 2003 and was one of the first reality shows that simply followed someone around during their day-to-day life. The stars were 2 rich girls: Jamie Gleicher (who I still don't know what she did or where she came from) and Ally Hilfiger, daughter of fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger.

The show wasn't the most entertaining or exciting program on TV, but watching the weird and ridiculous antics of these 2 girls was pretty amusing. They both seemed to be truly themselves and not play up for the cameras, which is rare in today's filled-to-capacity reality TV lineup.

During my college years my friend Danielle and I were obsessed with Ally and her unreasonable anxiety and nervous breakdowns. Well, praise Jesus for inventing YouTube because I found a clip from one of my favorite moments of the first and only season of Rich Girls. Fast forward to 1:50 into the video see my favorite moment, which I often recite when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed...

According to her wikipedia page Ms. Hilfiger had to spend some time in rehab after taping finished (who didn't go to rehab? Seriously?) because apparently the stress of being rich and famous or having a television show was just too much handle. Either that or she collapsed after another failed attempt at getting the onions with the tomato with the beef with the rice and the cheese. Well, you get it.

OS X Lion, the new operating system for the Mac, is available now on the Mac App Store.

This is probably is the most random thing I've ever blogged about but... it just makes me really happy. Do you remember this show? Here's the intro in case you missed the catchy theme!

American Idol Returns

Simon, Randy and everyone's favorite crackpot, Paula Abdul, are back as the newest season of American Idol kicks off tonight at 8pm on Fox. Although AI is always a ratings giant, it's expected to do even better than normal this year due to the writers' strike and a few tweaks to the show's format.

I have never been a super close AI follower, but I do like to keep up to date with the weeks wonders and blunders (can you imagine not knowing about Sanjaya? C'mon.) I have a feeling I will be even more into it this year, because let's face it: There's not much else on TV right now.

Variety.com has a full rundown of what viewers can expect from the "new" version of Idol. Hopefully the slight change in the way the show is produced will get viewers more interested in the contestants and feel invested in the show. Here's an excerpt from the article:
Exec producer Nigel Lythgoe concedes that mistakes were made last year. For starters, Lythgoe says the show spent too much time on big-name guest mentors and performers, at the expense of investing viewers in who's who (particularly early in the show's competish).

"We need to put our hand up and take the blame," he says. "We missed out on telling the best stories. If (contestants) were uninteresting, it's because we made them uninteresting."

As a result, "Idol" is looking to shake things up this year by spending more time on those contestant backstories.

"I want to give up that time and focus on the kids," Lythgoe says. "It's the emotional hooks that sell us, and get us watching every week. I don't think last year we were necessarily an appointment to view. There wasn't a 'I want to watch Bo Bice win' or 'I want to see Justin Guarini get kicked off' feeling to the show."...

"We've had our promos talk a little bit more about 'I'm from Nebraska, I'm a cotton candy maker,' and 'I'm from Oklahoma, I'm a cowboy,' " he says. "We're basically trying to set it up that this is a show about people with stories. ... It's about people who think they're good (singers) and (are) not, and people who think they're good and are great."
The show isn't completely ditching its celebrity guests, but will shift the focus away from already famous stars to making their own. The production is also getting a boost with new graphics, opening credits and some interesting upgrades to the actual set and visuals. Expect to see not only the contestants vocal abilities, but instrumental skills, too. Producers are saying that the hopefuls will be allowed to play instruments and do more than just stand and sing this year. Should be interesting.

So, are you going to watch American Idol this season? If so, why?

January 14, 2008

Chocolate Dirty B*tch

Welcome to Monday, everyone. This blog may be short because I'm buried under a foot of snow... oh, wait... no. It didn't snow at all here. So much for that giant maelstrom we were supposed to get last night. It did rain and sleet a little bit later in the evening, but that didn't stop me from venturing out. I was supposed to go see Juno (which I haven't seen yet) but it was completely sold out. Boo!

The good news is that across the street from the movie theater was Max Brenner; an amazing restaurant specializing in chocolate. I love a good dessert every now and then I like to splurge on something ridiculous. Last night I had something called the Intense Chocolate Fudge Cake (at least I think that's what it was called, it had a lot of adjectives.) My experience with the dish went something like this:

It was so delicious that yes, I think I went blind for a minute. My sense of smell was not affected though, because I was painfully aware of the smell of burnt hair that appeared towards the end of dessert. A woman with a big, poofy, bleached-blond ponytail got it a little too close to a candle and her hair ignited into a big flame ball! She was fine, but man did the place stink for a while. Oh, well. It was still delicious.

Just wanted to share. Is it Friday yet?

January 11, 2008

Black20 News with Jessie Cantrell

Happy Friday! The city is still abuzz with the "dead guy in an office chair" debacle (My mom just called me to ask about it this morning. National News!) The news is kinda bumming me out, so let's look at some fun stories with Black20 News with Jessie Cantrell.

This week Jessie has info about Knight Rider, really geeky wedding cakes and some eerie predictions for 2008 Check it out!

January 10, 2008

Music Guessing Game Answers!

Here's the answers to the music guessing game. How did you do?
  1. Danity Kane "Show Stopper"
  2. No Doubt "Ex-Girlfriend"
  3. Girls Aloud "Life Got Cold"
  4. Salt 'n Pepa "Push It"
  5. Lady Gaga "Just Dance"
  6. Madonna "Little Star"
  7. Spice Girls "Say You'll Be There"
  8. Gwen Stefani "Wonderful Life"
  9. Sam Sparro "Black and Gold" (performed by Katy Perry)
  10. Kylie Minogue & Robbie Williams "Kids"
  11. David Bowie "Let's Dance"
  12. Pussycat Dolls "In Person"
  13. Janet Jackson "Special"
  14. Missy Elliott "One Minute Man"
  15. Kylie Minogue "Slow"
  16. All Saints "Rock Steady"
  17. TLC "Take Our Time"
  18. Kylie Minogue "In Your Eyes"
  19. Solange "I Decided"
  20. Kelly Clarkson "Low"
  21. Timbaland "Release"
  22. Fall Out Boy "This Ain't a Scene... It's an Arms Race"
  23. Girls Aloud "Damn"
  24. Rihanna "SOS (Rescue Me)"
  25. Spice Girls "2 Become 1"
  26. Geri Halliwell "Ride It"
  27. P!nk "Love Song"
  28. Kelly Clarkson "Sober"
  29. Madonna "Like a Virgin" (Confessions Tour version)
  30. Christian Aguilera "Infatuation"

How well did you do?

Related Things:

American Gladiators Returns

I'm a few days late, but American Gladiators made its triumphant return to television on Sunday night on NBC. I didn't have a chance to see the entire episode, but the parts that I did see made me really nostalgic for the old competition. If you missed the show the other night, take a look at the full episode from Monday night courtesy of hulu.com

What did you think of the new version of American Gladiators?

January 9, 2008

Weekend At Bernie's 3: Bernie Goes to Manhattan

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Living in New York City is always an adventure, and you never know what weird and wild stuff is going to happen. This morning I read probably one of the grossest news stories that I've seen in quite some time... and of course I will force you to read it, too.

Apparently, 2 men in Manhattan thought it would be a good idea to rob a dead man of his Social Security check (I mean, what was he gonna do with it?) The problem was the old man was well-known at his local bank, so how were they going to cash his check? Clearly the best solution is to take a cue from Weekend At Bernie's and just bring the dead guy with them to prove they weren't doing anything criminal. What could possibly go wrong here? Genius. Here's the full article from Yahoo! News and the Associated Press:
Two men wheeled a dead man through the streets in an office chair to a check-cashing store and tried to cash his Social Security check before being arrested on fraud charges, police said.

David J. Dalaia and James O'Hare pushed Virgilio Cintron's body from the Manhattan apartment that O'Hare and Cintron shared to Pay-O-Matic, about a block away, spokesman Paul Browne said witnesses told police.

"The witnesses saw the two pushing the chair with Cintron flopping from side to side and the two individuals propping him up and keeping him from flopping from side to side," Browne said.

The men left Cintron's body outside the store, went inside and tried to cash his $355 check, Browne said. The store's clerk, who knew Cintron, asked the men where he was, and O'Hare told the clerk they would go and get him, Browne said.

A police detective who was having lunch at a restaurant next to the check-cashing store noticed a crowd forming around Cintron's body, and "it's immediately apparent to him that Cintron is dead," Browne said.

The detective called uniformed New York Police Department officers at a nearby precinct. Emergency medical technicians arrived as O'Hare and Dalaia were preparing to wheel Cintron's body into the check-cashing store, Browne said. Police arrested Dalaia and O'Hare there, he said.

Cintron's body was taken to a hospital morgue. The medical examiner's office told police it appeared Cintron, 66, had died of natural causes within the previous 24 hours, Browne said.

"He was deceased in the apartment when he was removed by these two," Browne said.

Dalaia and O'Hare, both 65, were being held by police and faced check fraud charges, Browne said.

A call to a telephone number listed for Cintron at the apartment he shared with O'Hare went unanswered Tuesday evening. Police said they didn't have an address for Dalaia or attorney information for him or O'Hare.

January 8, 2008

A Page's Worst Nightmare

One of the best experiences of my life was the year I spent in the NBC Page Program. It was the reason I got to move to New York City and helped me gain a ton of experience and contacts in the media industry. Besides all of the great thing I learned there was also lots and lots of repetitive information spewing at worn out tourists who really just wanted to know if they were going to see where Friends was taped (it was in LA, people.)

As with any time one is forced to say the same speech over and over again, sometimes words and phrases can slightly change and alter themselves over the course of a year. And if you hear someone say an incorrect piece of info enough times you're bound to start believing it as fact. Luckily for me, I never really had to interact with any of the talent who we talked about on the NBC studio tours, but that wasn't the case for some unfortunate Pages who had their tour hijacked by Late Night host Conan O'Brien last week. This would be my worst nightmare. Check it out:

So glad that never happened to me. Who knows what crazy phrases were tossed around while I was a Page. Seriously though, it was a blast, so I'd like to share a few photos of me in my "blues" from my time as a Page. Click below to see them.

Click here for the pix!

Here's my and my fellow Pages at the NBC Upfronts in 2006.

Here's me showing people which door to use. It was that one.

And me with Katie Couric on her last day at NBC. Eat your heart out, Kenneth.

If you were a Page, what's your favorite tour memory?

January 7, 2008

The Jackass Who Turned Blue

I didn't have a chance to see the actual segment when it aired, but as I was checking out TODAYshow.com this morning I couldn't help but notice this story. The picture is what caught my eye first... obviously. Click the pic to watch the video and say, "Um... what?"

Paul Karason explains to Matt Lauer the scrutiny he experiences for being blue.

Mr. Karason began medicating himself with colloidal silver after suffering from a skin ailment. He then discovered that the silver was helping to "cure" other problems, both internal and external. When asked if he began this treatment because a doctor told him to do it he said, "Oh, no. I did it all on my own." Clearly. Does he also make his own moonshine in his worshtub?

Now, I'm not exactly sure why this is even newsworthy, but it is pretty interesting. I'd expect to see it on something like Inside Edition or The Insider or another "in" show, but not really on TODAY. The best thing about the whole story was Paul's girlfriend, who met him via the phone and didn't know he was blue until well after falling for him. Of course.

What do you think of blue man?

January 6, 2008

"Only from Dominico's like the game."

This is probably one of my favorite Saturday Night Live sketches ever. I don't know why, but it always makes me laugh really really, really hard. Please enjoy the clip courtesy of Hulu.com

January 4, 2008

Every day is an adventure

One of the joys of living and working in New York City is that you just never know when you're going to end up in humorous and surprising situations. Had to quickly share this interaction I had today with my coworker, Caitlin, as we walked through the Rockefeller Center concourse on our way to Wendy's:
*Man walks towards us, Whistling*

Caitlin: "I hate people who whistle out loud."

Me: "Wasn't that Geraldo?"

And it was.

Have a great weekend.

The Middle Show: American Gladiators

Happy Friday, everyone! I'm straying from my typical Black20 News post to share this hilarious video from Black20's The Middle Show.

Television viewers are anxiously awaiting the return of American Gladiators on NBC this Sunday night (it might just be me, but go with it.) Apparently there were auditions for both gladiators and contenders in New York and The Middle Show's Ted O'Gorman was there to get in on the action. Please enjoy:

January 3, 2008

Wild Wildlife Photos

Stumbled across an amazing wildlife photo that I couldn't help but share. It's frightening and amazing at the same time. I love photography, especially animals, but I've never seen anything like this before that wasn't a fake.

About the photo:
"Alone in his tiny plastic sea kayak, marine biologist Trey Snow had hoped to stealthily track a great white shark. But he had the shock of his life when he spotted a giant fin and realised it was he who was being stalked - by surely one of the most feared killers in the world. The magnificent creature initially dived to the seabed, inspecting the kayak from below, before rising menacingly to the surface. Luckily for Trey, the 13ft-long shark was more inquisitive than hungry...This incredible picture was taken by wildlife photographer Thomas Peschak - who had to tie himself to the high bridge of a nearby vessel and lean precariously over the ocean before he could get his shot."
You can view the entire gallery of wildlife photos by clicking here.

CD-to-Computer Ripping Could Be Illegal

I'm a total music junkie and always want to get the latest tracks and albums as soon as they become available. Anyone that knows me knows I have a slight CD obsession (Yes, I still by the actual hard copy of the album) and would probably die for my collection. I also enjoy when friends share discs or digital music files with me to introduce me to new jams or artists I haven't heard before. Honestly, I'm probably within the minority, but I almost always legally purchase music after it was "illegally" introduced to me via the internet. I like to have the album artwork, and I just like to have something tangible in my collection.

Most of us know that illegal file sharing is well- illegal, but I think it's safe to say that almost everyone does it anyway. The RIAA has been cracking down on copyright infringement since the birth of Napster, but now the Washington Post is saying they're taking it one step further.

When I buy a new CD, I will almost instantly put it into my computer and upload to my iTunes so that I can play via my computer and sync up on my iPod. Fairly standard practice for people who buy CDs. I mean, what else are you supposed to do? Well now the RIAA is saying that uploading legally purchased CDs onto a personal computer violates the copyright laws and counts as making illegal duplicates of the music. Seriously? From the article:
RIAA's hard-line position seems clear. Its Web site says: "If you make unauthorized copies of copyrighted music recordings, you're stealing. You're breaking the law and you could be held legally liable for thousands of dollars in damages."

They're not kidding. In October, after a trial in Minnesota -- the first time the industry has made its case before a federal jury -- Jammie Thomas was ordered to pay $220,000 to the big record companies. That's $9,250 for each of 24 songs she was accused of sharing online.

Whether customers may copy their CDs onto their computers -- an act at the very heart of the digital revolution -- has a murky legal foundation, the RIAA argues. The industry's own Web site says that making a personal copy of a CD that you bought legitimately may not be a legal right, but it "won't usually raise concerns," as long as you don't give away the music or lend it to anyone.

Of course, that's exactly what millions of people do every day. In a Los Angeles Times poll, 69 percent of teenagers surveyed said they thought it was legal to copy a CD they own and give it to a friend. The RIAA cites a study that found that more than half of current college students download music and movies illegally.
Read the rest of the article here.

So what do you think? Is it a legitimate claim that copying discs onto your personal computer counts as an "illegal copy" or should you be able to do what you want with your purchases once you purchase them? I think I definitely understand both sides of the story, but seriously... is the music industry hurting so much that you can't upload songs to your computer without paying an additional fee?

What about when you record something with your VCR or DVR? Does that count as illegal copying, too?

January 2, 2008

What if celebrities were normal people?

UPDATE: Looks like these amazing photos have been removed by the author, but have no fear! Want to see what Lady Gaga looked like before she was famous? Check out these exclusive pictures of Gaga when she was just Stefani Germanotta from New York.

I'm not sure exactly how I found this particular blog, but I haven't been able to stop checking it for updates since its discovery. PlanetHiltron.com is a simple blog that shows what celebrities might look like if they were just normal, average people. The doctored up photos give viewers a chance see if we would react differently to seeing famous faces working at places like... the eye doctor or Sizzler. Take a look at some of my faves:

Scarlett Johansson in the lab

Hilary Duff preparing your tax return

Dave and Vicky Beckham's engagement photo

Papa Joe and Ashlee goofing around at their home business

and Great Grandma Larry

What do you think?