I've been noticing some trends throughout the network (and its sister channels like VH1) and it all really came into focus while watching and episode of Real World: Brooklyn last week. Can MTV generate any original series or story lines that aren't spawned from something they are already doing or affiliated with? I'm all for cross-network branding and promotion (heck, I do it for a living) but when the idea smacks me in the face one too many times it's mostly just annoying and makes me (the viewer) feel like the network thinks I must be dumb.
I do have to give credit though to VH1 for actually sort of having a sense of humor about spinning off their seemingly-endless series of dating/moneygrubbing shows. It all started from The Surreal Life which was basically a show for people who didn't have a show. I mean, take a look at this chain of shows that the network has created:
Strange Love is a spin-off of The Surreal Life,and now we have Rock of Love Bus, I Love Money 2 and several other ______ of Loves in the works. Kudos to you, VH1 because I'm pretty sure you know that all of these contestants and hosts are tragic and continue to spin them off for our entrainment. Thanks.
Flavor of Love is a spin-off of Strange Love,
I Love New York features Tiffany "New York" Pollard from Flavor of Love
Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School, is a spin-off of Flavor of Love
Rock of Love features Bret Michaels searching for love.
Rock of Love Girls: Charm School 2 is a spin-off of Rock of Love with Bret Michaels
I Love Money is a spin-off of Flavor of Love, I Love New York,Real Chance of Love, and Rock of Love with Bret Michaels.
New York Goes to Hollywood is a spin-off of I Love New York.
Real Chance of Love is a spin-off of I Love New York and I Love Money.
Then there is the obvious blood oath that MTV has with the princess of pop, Britney Spears. I said it once and I'll say it 10,000 more times until someone actually listens to me, but MTV totally has some devil deal with Britney to bring her back up to the pop superstar level she once was. I'm not sure if they need her or if she needs them or if they both need each other, but there must be some serious behind-the-scenes dealings going on. To review- Britney totally effed up during the 2007 VMAs, the following year MTV then gave her 3 awards for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and made her the belle of the ball, then they unveiled their "no question off limits" documentary to get us all back in her corner, and just this week America's Best Dance Crew featured routines choreographed to Britney songs, where in promos she is praised and praised for being the "queen of pop music" and "biggest name in music" and other junk like that.
So this was long and complainy, but are you guys smellin' what I'm steppin' in or what? I guess I'm just starting to get annoyed that MTV seems to be alluding to the fact that there are only a handful of TV personalities we should care about and only a dozen or so artists who are doing anything in the music industry at the current time.
Am I just too old? Discuss.
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