The usual phone number 1-866-IDOLS-XX (where the Xs represent a contestant number) are fine for singers 1-12, but check out the recent Twitter updates from host Ryan Seacrest from a few minutes ago:
RyanSeacrest crap, were gonna have a problem on Idol tonight - just dialed 1-866-IDOLS-13 and its not quite SFW...
RyanSeacrest oh man...1-866-IDOLS-00 is dirty too, lol. Just talked to one of the Idol producers and they have a plan...*crossing fingers* - ryan
A coworker and I definitely called the numbers to verify their content and yikes—Do not call it at work (or ever.)
Should be an interesting evening of Idol after all. While getting a new voting line shouldn't be that difficult, hardcore Idol fans are sure to be up in arms if any one contestant has a different type of number or anything that even would resemble an advantage or handicap.
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