Interestingly enough on my last visit to Urban Outfitters they gave me a sleeve of stickers in my bag, which turned out to be the names of the artists featured on their latest FREE music download called LSTN. It's 100% free music from artists that you may know, but probably don't. On the seventh and most recent installment you get free tracks from bands like The Big Pink, Girls, Apache Beat and The XX.
I think part of the big appeal about finding songs recommended by Urban Outfitters is that the music that they play in their stores is both upbeat and relaxing (mostly) at the same time. The tunes are awesome for background noise while you're mind focuses on something else -- like shopping -- and I spent hours last weekend sipping coffee and writing while my iTunes flipped through track after track of undiscovered gems.
You can get all the free tracks (over 100 so far) from Enjoy!