In August 2010 the Today show picked up on the growing trend of bag outrage and featured my clip in a segment comparing the bag's sound levels to that of a New York City subway or lawn mower.
Yesterday it was announced that Frito-Lay -- the makers of SunChips -- are going to stop using the "loud" bags because they received so many complaints from consumers, and also suffered a possibly unrelated 11% drop in sales over the last year.
Here's a quick synopsis from the Today show on October 5.
Even though my video has been around for nearly a year, people are really starting to find it how and the comments viewers are leaving are hilarious. What started out with people leaving funny comments basically saying, "Wow! I thought the same thing!" has now turned into rage-filled rants about how I ruined the planet!
Here are some of my favorites...
MzMichaelJackson: Great! Now we can die quietly with our plastic polluted oceans and not a tree in sight.But it's these comments that are my favorite and they make up about 60% of what people leave:
explorerzip4: Ship the ppl (esp this guy) that complain about this to Iraq and help the troops. Then they can bitch about the noise pollution of gun fire
theonecalledpotato: you sir, are a retard!!!!!!!!!!!
Anf26Hollister: one question....why dont you put it in a bowl or something.......then u wont hear the noise anymore....or is it your retardness and laziness thats blocks you from putting it in a bowl?THANK YOU! If only I had thought about putting my entire bag of chips into a bowl we wouldn't have global warming anymore! I'M SORRY, EARTH!
Jokes aside, I think it's both interesting and a little disturbing that a silly YouTube video could have such an impact. I mean, clearly it wasn't my lone video that caused the end of the SunChips bags, but who knew it would get so much heat?
And just to clear the air, I am all for environmentally friendly packaging, lowering carbon footprints and generally making sure we prevent Earth from becoming a barren wasteland. If Andy Rooney can make a career out of bitching about how many kinds of fruit there are I think the world can cut me a little slack.