Benjamin "Coach" Wade and Ozzy Lusth
Former Survivors Ozzy Lusth and Benjamin "Coach" Wade will join the 16 previously announced castaways when the series returns on Wednesday, September 14 at 8pm. on CBS.
Having never been awarded the title of Sole Survivor, Ozzy (Cook Islands, Micronesia) and "Coach" (Tocantis, Heroes vs. Villains) return to compete for the $1 million prize and a last shot at redemption. Each one will join a separate tribe of new castaways at the start of the game, but it's up to the tribe to decide if they will welcome the knowledge of an experienced veteran, or view these former castaways as a threat in the ultimate battle to outwit, outplay and outlast.
Last season returning vets Russell Hantz and "Boston Rob" Mariano met entirely different fates. Hantz was quickly ousted by his tribe on episode three of the competition while Rob rode his legacy all the way to the finale and the $1 million prize.
How do you think "Coach" and Ozzy will do on Survivor: South Pacific? Leave a comment!