June 2, 2008

My Desk

Several people have asked me, recently, what my set up was like at work. Most of the questions come because of my complaints about the cramped, out-in-the-open area I work in every day. So, just to give you a better idea of where I create my masterpieces (and read Perezhilton.com) please refer to this diagram for some points of interest in my workspace.

A- Sweet Opti-mash Prime Mr. Potato Head
B- My arch nemesis aka my scanner
C- Big, plastic Easter egg that I pop open and closed 400x a day
D- Picture of me with Mom and Dad
E- Picture of me with Katie Couric (yes, it's real)
F- My huge, honking, multi-line phone that only has 2 lines (soon to be 1)
G- 1st computer monitor
H - 2nd computer monitor (where I watch TV)
I- Lysol hand sanitizing foam, which I use religiously
J- Beverage section, currently filled with Starbucks cup, water bottle and coffee mug
K- Opitmus Prime action figure, still in the box (see earlier post)
L- Clorox wipes, used religiously like item I
M- Fire hazard waiting to happen
N- Random "dirty shoes welcome" door mat I acquired somehow
O- Autobot and Decipticon magnets (notice a theme?)
P- Sketch book where I write down the day's tasks then scratch off upon completion
I hope that helped you kill a few minutes of your day. Please leave any follow-up questions as a comment below.

*UPDATE* I borrowed this idea from my former colleague, Caitlin (don't sue me!) Check out her desk here.