A- Sweet Opti-mash Prime Mr. Potato HeadI hope that helped you kill a few minutes of your day. Please leave any follow-up questions as a comment below.
B- My arch nemesis aka my scanner
C- Big, plastic Easter egg that I pop open and closed 400x a day
D- Picture of me with Mom and Dad
E- Picture of me with Katie Couric (yes, it's real)
F- My huge, honking, multi-line phone that only has 2 lines (soon to be 1)
G- 1st computer monitor
H - 2nd computer monitor (where I watch TV)
I- Lysol hand sanitizing foam, which I use religiously
J- Beverage section, currently filled with Starbucks cup, water bottle and coffee mug
K- Opitmus Prime action figure, still in the box (see earlier post)
L- Clorox wipes, used religiously like item I
M- Fire hazard waiting to happen
N- Random "dirty shoes welcome" door mat I acquired somehow
O- Autobot and Decipticon magnets (notice a theme?)
P- Sketch book where I write down the day's tasks then scratch off upon completion
*UPDATE* I borrowed this idea from my former colleague, Caitlin (don't sue me!) Check out her desk here.