June 3, 2008


I found this website a long time ago, but recently fell in love with it again after finding it on Matthew's blog. NatalieDee.com is a hilarious site that posts a daily, nonsensical cartoon. I mean... I guess there's not really any other way to explain it. It's just really funny. Case in point:

After doing some research, I found out that Natalie Dee is an actual person who, along side her husband, Drew, runs three websites of comics and cartoons. From their "about us" page:
Drew, the author of Toothpaste For Dinner and Married To The Sea, was born in 1979. Natalie Dee, the author of Natalie Dee and Married To The Sea, was also born in 1979. Drew and Natalie are married and live in a house in Columbus, Ohio with two small dogs. They are generally considered to be "humorists" and make their living by selling merchandise based on their comics.
Nothing like two hilarious entrepreneurs who fall in love and are successful. A true American tale... Or something. Anyway, you should read NatalieDee.com daily for more awesome cartoons. Here are some of my other recent faves.

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